
Hi, my name is Nanaten. I'm an amateur translator who likes reading manga and watching anime. I read manga and said to myself, "This manga is good, people should read this!" And that's how I became a manga translator. However I worked alone (and lazy), so I find it hard to manage a scanlation. That's why I need your support so I can keep releasing translation of my favorite manga. And, oh, I also make random content from time to time such as fanarts, song covers, vlogs, cosplay, and voice acting.

My blog: http://citrusteam.blogspot.com
My facebook: https://www.facebook.com/citrusprojects/
My twitter: @citrus_nanaten
My tumblr: http://citrus-project.tumblr.com
My livejournal: http://scorpion1d3x.livejournal.com
My youtube channel: http://bit.ly/nana10yt
My soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/nanaten
My patreon: https://www.patreon.com/nanaten
