Ake no Tobari Ch. 258-259

 Nanaten here. My schedule got so hectic from teaching, translating, and streaming, and recently, my father told me to apply for Supervisory Committee for the upcoming election. I'm starting to feel the burnout. Some days, I just lie on my bed staring at my ceiling (picture above.) I had to reduce the numbers of my streams and translating to compensate.

Speaking of streams, I tried to multitask by streaming myself studying for my Supervisory Committee exam. I found a mock test website and decided to stream that and fail miserably.

I recently upgraded my OBS to version 28. Some of the indie vtubers I know were really against upgrading to version 28 because of compatibility issue with their plug-ins. But it has been a while and most plug-ins I use are already compatible with 28, so I decided to give it a go. The UI takes time to get used to but performance wise it's pretty good. With previous version, I constantly get around 15 fps with lots of dropped frames, but now I get constant 24 fps on just chat stream. The frame does drop if I try to stream games from my pc, but it's a smoother experience.

The only downside is that it takes more resource, so it is more prone to crash. Not just the app crashing, but my entire setup. During the stream, my PC got blue screen at least three times. And even then it would proceed to crash again during booting. I typed my login password and it would straight up blue screen. It's like a monkey paw situation: I get a smoother stream with the of chance my pc exploding.

Luckily, if my calculation be correct,  next month I should save enough money to get a decent graphics card. I've been trying to save my money for the past two years ever since I started Vtubing. But every time, something would always came up: the 2021 GPU crisis, my equipment suddenly broke, my phone needs upgrade, or investing on other type of equipment altogether (looking at you SlimeVR.) My brother advised me to get either a RTX 2060 or RX 6600 XT when it goes on sale, but I still couldn't decide which I should get. What do you think? Do you have any suggestion? Let me know in the comments.

About these chapters: we're finally at the end of Tobari vs. Iwao arc. And my gahd what an exhausting arc. I think the arc dragged on for too long, and not even including the Tengenro arc. There are some good moments, like Sanpo's redemption arc and Hibachi with cat ears but I just got sick with Iwao's inner struggle, you know. But I have no right to complain, I'm just a translator. My job is to convey Momochi Dori sensei's story through the means of language.

So here are the chapters. As usual, let me know in the comments if you find any error or mistake. Or you know, what? Let me know what you think about this arc in general. Next week (or two) will be an Illbeck update.

Ake no Tobari Chapter 258: Read Online | Download
Ake no Tobari Chapter 259: Read Online | Download

Special shoutout to this month's patrons. Thank you for your support.

Cameron Moriarty
Tracy Umeda
The Marrer
