So, yeah, apparently I have officially picked up this series. Yay, more reason to ditch school and becoming a total shut in! This actually makes the previous poll become entirely useless (I'll talk about it tomorrow). Speaking of poll, we have a new one: Who would win in a fight, Tsukumo or Chinmi?
News: I have a tumblr now! I will post some stuff like sneak peek and other things that still going to refer to this blog.
Random stuff: recently (approx. 5 hours prior to me typing this) I'm starting to watch Psych. I saw one episode when I was a middle schooler (I think it was the episode about a wedding). So me and my brother watched the pilot episode and might spend the entire weekend binge watching the first season. I'm thinking of watching Laverage next.
So, to celebrate Shifan's and Tantan's return this month, here's a picture of our favorite trio along with several characters who stopped being relevant (Also reminder that Tekken Chinmi Legends will never be featured on Monthly Shonen Magazine's cover and colored page ever again).
By the way, volume 19 goes on sale October 17th