Ake no Tobari Ch. 3

Thank you for your comments (on other sites, not on this blog). I'm glad to know that people enjoyed this series as much as I do. And the fact that they don't see this as yaoi (it's not). Please don't comment on the fact that Reimei and Tobari are living together. That's because the best girl hasn't make her appearance yet.

According to the poll result, you want the title to change into Tobari of the Dawn. Although, I already change it anyway yesterday because I got completely bored.

Random stuff: I tried to sing Peeping Life ending theme. For those who doesn't know, It's a CG anime from last season (the one with Astro Boy and Yatterman). I at least contacted the anime's official facebook page and they gave me a like (I take that as a compliment). Feel free to watch it and give me that sweet click count.

My terrible singing and mixing aside, here's the beginning of Yokai Leader of Mountain Shinonome arc. Next week will be chapter 4 and an update of Kaiouki.

Chapter 3
